Nutrition Myths
- Myth: You’re eating for 2 during pregnancy
- Fact: Eating for two does not mean eating twice the amount. It is recommended that women eat an extra 300 calories during the last 6 months of pregnancy, this recommendation can vary therefore talk to your doctor about the amount of calories you should consume.
- Myth: Gaining less weight during pregnancy will make delivery easier
- Fact: It is recommended that pregnant women gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. The amount depends on weight status before pregnancy, consult with your doctor about how much weight you should gin for a healthy pregnancy. Pregnant women who do not gain enough weight place their fetus at risk for severe complications that can include premature birth.
- Myth: Pregnant women only crave foods their body needs
- Fact: Cravings should not be an indicator of nutritional needs. Follow the MyPlate recommendations to ensure you are providing your body and your baby with all its nutritional needs.
- Myth: Full-cream milk is more nutritious to drink during pregnancy
- Fact: Low-fat and skim milk have the same nutritional value as full-cream milk. Full-cream milk is actually unhealthier because it has more saturated fats and high-calorie. Choosing low-fat or skim milk instead of full-cream has more benefits in managing weight during and after pregnancy.
Physical Activity
- Myth: It’s dangerous to start exercising during pregnancy if you didn’t do it prior
- Fact: Exercising can be very beneficial during pregnancy, if you are new to exercise starting slow and simple with a daily 30-minute walk. However, if you have not exercised prior to pregnancy ask your doctor if it is safe to do so.
- Myth: It is not safe to do abdominal work during pregnancy
- Fact: It is beneficial to engage in exercise that strengthens your abdominals and pelvic floor. However, after the first trimester avoid exercising on your back. Try these exercises and tips to continue ab exercises during pregnancy.
- Myth: Keep heart rate under 140 beats per minute
- Fact: There isn’t a target heart rate for pregnant women. To monitor your exertion during exercise, use the talk test, you should be able to carry on a brief sentence without running out of breath.
- Myth: Running during pregnancy is unsafe
- Fact: Experienced runners can continue as long as they stick to level terrain and listen to their body when they feel tired. It is important to note that ligaments and joints during pregnancy loosen and can make you more prone to injury. Use this guideline for tips on safely running during pregnancy.